Frequently Asked Questions
What is recruitment week?
Recruitment week takes place at the beginning of every semester. During this time, fraternities and sororities host a series of events to promote their organizations and recruit members. This is a time for everyone to get to know one another, so feel free to "shop around" and see which Chapter could be the best fit for you!
What are the benefits to joining APhiG?
Above all, the sorority provides deep bonds of friendship and sisterhood for members throughout the nation! Alpha Phi Gamma creates a wonderful outlet for social, academic, and philanthropic endeavors. The experience is a little bit different for everyone, so feel free to chat with a Sister to get an inside scoop!
How much does recruitment cost?
Recruitment week is absolutely FREE for all rushees.
What happens after recruitment week?
After recruitment week, a small panel of APhiG Sisters will meet with each rushee individually to get to know her a bit better. If it seems like a good fit, the rushee will be extended a bid, which is an invitation to begin our new member process.
What do I need to get a bid?
Bids typically require a rushee to attend a certain number of events during recruitment week. Check out our fliers or ask a Sister for this semester's requirements!
What if I can't make a required event during recruitment week?
Just let the recruitment chair know ahead of time, and we can work something out!
What does it mean to be a prospective member?
Essentially, it's a 8-12 week crash course in the APhiG experience, guided by the Active House. Prospective members form close bonds and learn all about the sorority's history and what makes Alpha Phi Gamma unique.
Where may I learn more?
The best way to learn more is to come experience it for yourself! Check out our events, or contact any one of the Sisters directly. We can't wait to meet you!