Purple Passion: Ribbon Up
During the month of October, the ladies of Alpha Phi Gamma host events to spread awareness of domestic violence. Our goal is to inform others of this cause, and end domestic violence in our local community.
Myth vs. FACT
Clothesline Project
Jealousy and possessiveness are a sign of true love.
Jealousy and possessiveness are a sign that the person sees you as a possession. It is the most common early warning sign of abuse.

Victims bring on the abuse themselves. They ask for it.
Perpetrators believe they have the right to use abuse to control their partner and they see the victim as less than equal to themselves. The victim has no control over the abuser.
The Clothesline Project (CLP) is a program started on Cape Cod, MA, in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. It is a vehicle for women affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. The Sisters of Alpha Phi Gamma organized their own Clothes Project for domestic violence through CLP's national website: www.clotheslineproject.org. APhiG Sisters as well as other organizations and students designed T-shirts to hang on the clothesline inside the Joe Crowley Student Union to increase the awareness of the impact of violence against women. |

If a person stays in an abusive relationship, it must not really be that bad.
People stay in abusive relationships for a number of reasons: fear, economic dependence, confusion, loss of self-confidence, not recognizing that what's happening is abusive, belief that the abuser needs their help or will change.
2010 - present
2010 - present
The Clothesline Project Outreach & Education Program